
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

Ah yes… it’s one of those “let go and let God” verses. It takes on a new meaning when we learn to rest and let Him work on our behalf. We need to trust God in all our circumstances and wait expectantly for the peace that follows.

I think sometimes we pray for God to help us, to lead us, and then we walk away trying to do things on our own just as we did before we went to the Father. We need to rest in knowing He is in control even if it’s not an instant answer.

I read once in a daily devotional book by Susie Larson that God doesn’t make things nice, He makes things new. How right she is. Thank you, Susie, I needed to read that.

Resting in God is the key to letting Him do what He has planned. Don’t take the burden back up and carry it around with you when you have left it with the Father.

Father, thank you that when I’m weary and burdened down with circumstances in life I can come to you in prayer and lean on you. Help me to rest in you knowing you will make all things new. Amen

© Chrissy Siggee  2019

Scripture Verses used are from the New International Version of the Bible

Archived in: 🦋 Christian Reads

30 thoughts on “Rest

  1. I know that I misinterpreted this many times when I was younger. 🙂 I could only understand rest from a perspective of ‘self’; that God would do all the work. How wrong I was. God’s idea of rest means that we are free from the ‘self’ filled drivenness that fuels our world today. Running a business taught me just how destructive and draining that is.

    When we were homeless I found that we worked harder than we ever did at the business. People don’t realize just how much effort there is in just surviving and living in the woods or on the streets when you have no home. It is exhausting. So what is the difference. Well, when I ran my business God was just tacked on like a useless appendage. I was the one who had to do all the work while God just watched. When we were homeless God was leading and we just followed. We saw His hand constantly guide us and we found that we just stepped into situations He had already prepared. Sometimes there was absolutely no effort at all on our part. We found the wilderness to be a mixture of ‘self’ sweat and rest as we transitioned from one to the other.

    I remember one day when we were homeless. All day was spent in the rain in late November walking down the highway. That was a lot of work. Our family of family of 4 were in a very desperate state by the time it got dark with no help in sight. Then a car pulled up and the two guys asked us to get in. We were taken to their home where the wife had a huge meal prepared. Earlier in the day, with no other reason than that God told her to, she put on a huge moose roast and baked a chocolate cake. We had a huge meal that night already prepared for us and we did nothing to make it happen.

    As we traveled this path of faith more and more we are understanding what Jesus meant when He calls us to rest. As we surrender our ‘self’ to Him and follow His lead we will enter His rest. Takes time but what a great place to be.

    Homer Les

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry I took so long to reply. Firstly, I found you in my spam box. Sorry. I do have cake and coffee/tea there now. 😉

      Secondly, because you left a link, I need to moderate. …Just wards off spammers. 🙂

      Your comment was very moving and I read it to my husband who Amened it too.

      Our God has been an amazing God, is our amazing God and always will be our amazing God.

      Blessings to you and your family.


    • Ok. I had to go into your blog from “Reader” on . You must be on the “other” wordpress site because it shows that you have only 4 followers which is common between the links …which is crazy when both sites are one WordPress.

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