Stitches Removed!

Day 18 Post Surgery: Stitches, or rather the one long stitch used for the 15cm wound, was removed late today. The surgeon is very happy with my recovery to date. No formal physiotherapy required but I do need to continue my current exercise routine which is mostly walking, step-work and pool exercise. One elbow crutch should still be used in some environments until January 24th after an X-ray and reviewed again by the surgeon. Until then, I’ll be taking precautions to not over do anything and just taking my time to fully recover. A more settled sleep pattern is a priority. No more sleeping flat on my back should help.

Everyone has been supportive and encouraging. Thank you.

I’m really hoping I can sit for longer at the computer too so I can write new poems and articles. It’s often uncomfortable as well as finding the time between my rehab routines.

Thanks for your patience. – Chrissy

Archived in: 🦋 Updates

Walking Wounded

Do you see the blue house at the top left corner of the image below? That’s our house. That’s our car leaving our little Avenue. Norm’s off to have a haircut. I’m on walk two of my three times a day walk of the Avenue before returning to the comfort of my soft bed to do my knee exercises. I walk about 150 metres. I was using using two elbow crutches until this morning. Now it’s just one.

Day 12 after surgery and day 8 at home. I’ve also started pool exercises this week which is so much easier and painless. The days a warm. I love summer. It’s the best season to be in the pool.

Not a good look but impressive.

Scarred for life. 😉

Archived in: 🦋 Updates

Home and Recovering

Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and love since my knee replacement surgery last Thursday, November 23rd.

The surgeon was so impressed with my progress that he sent me home after breakfast yesterday, Sunday November 26th. Pain and sleep management, although still not perfect, is easier now that I’m home.

I’m not up to writing much yet but I look forward to reading posts of those I follow.

Archived in: 🦋 Updates

Surgery in Three Days

In just three days I hope to have my knee replacement surgery so I won’t be online for at least four days. I’ll try to talk Norm through submitting a quick update post sometime over the weekend when I’m feeling up to it but I hope to be out of bed and looking for something to do besides physiotherapy.

I have rescheduled a few archived posts from Riverside Peace for the following week which I hope you will enjoy again until I’m up to writing again.

If all goes well with surgery and recovery, I hope to be home as soon as I can manage both post-surgery pain and Canadian/forearm crutches. My ongoing recovery and physiotherapy plan can be then done at home.

Because I’m severely allergic to the usual, and unusual pain medications, my anesthetist and surgeon have been working on alternative pain relief especially the first 24 hours after the surgery. Please pray for the wisdom of the medical team and for me to work through those early days so I can return home. Thanks in advance.

See you soon.

🦋 Updates and Announcements

I Did It!

100 Christmas Cards made. 35 are now ready to post. I’ve put aside 11 cards for our neighbours. Yes, there are 12 houses on our Avenue and we all see each other often and attend our monthly birthday street BBQ when we can. There’s plenty for friends at church and the Koala Hospital too. This year I decided on poinsettias as the theme. Every card is different. I’ll write in the local cards when I return home from the hospital in early December. I won’t be going anywhere much until I recover from my surgery.

Archived in: 🦋 Updates

Knee Surgery Update

I knew before I left the recovery ward that the surgery wasn’t as easy as expected. But then, there were no guarantees before I went in. Today the surgeon showed me the film he took inside my knee. The meniscus was torn and brittle beyond recognition. Only a tiny section at the rear was left behind. The knee joint resembled a nanny goat’s beard in full growth. It looked like it needed a shave. The video was fast-forwarded for a few minutes showing the “shaving”. There is a LOT of arthritis. My knee is still yellow purple and green… inside too apparently. Too bruised and stressed for more surgery too soon.

I have another appointment in 4 weeks when he suspects he will then send me for another x-ray to see how things are recovering. As for a knee replacement in the near future. Who knows. I’m surprised It’s not already booked but after his explanation and watching my video, I’ll just have to wait.

In the meantime, I’ll be on pain medication and will be using a walking stick to prevent any further stress on the joint.

🦋 Updates & Announcements

Surgery Update

I’m home after my laparoscopic knee surgery yesterday. Unfortunately, the damage and arthritis are worse than anticipated from MRI, X-ray, and surgeon’s initial consultation. The laparoscope was not in vain and the surgeon was able to see what the knee re-placement will entail. The removal of the torn meniscus and bone fragments and the bone scrapping of the jagged bone should relieve the pain I have been experiencing. I’ll have more information after my next appointment in 10 days to have stitches removed.

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Goodbyes are always hard…

Reverend David Curtis passed away on Friday 14th April shortly before 9am. David will be sadly missed by everyone at St Thomas Anglican Church Port Macquarie. He has been part of the pastoral care team I coordinate. David’s wisdom and experience he brought to the team has always been appreciated as too his willingness to do end-of-life and palliative care visits for me. David was also much involved with prayer and healing ministries.

Please check out his blog – David Curtis

Surgery Today!

If you have read my post Inconceivable Times this post is a follow-up.

By the time you read this, I will have already been wheeled in and out of surgery. My appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday left me with a number of forms, pre-operation fees and, a very clear understanding of what is going on and what is going to happen. It’s all been rushed because there was a cancellation which was offered to me so it could be done ASAP.

I will need hip replacements in perhaps a year or five but that will be to far off to leave the gluteus medius muscle unattached. This surgery is called the “right hip abductor repair”. I will be in hospital for 2-3 weeks with a further 6 weeks of non-weight bearing at home with extensive rehabilitation.

Once I’m through the worst of the post surgery drowsiness and pain medication, I hope to be back using my laptop in my hospital bed if not for much else than reading some of my favourite WordPress bloggers posts. You may even get a post-op photo of the 20cm -30cm incision for the more bolder followers. 😉

I have pre-scheduled daily posts so you don’t miss me too much. 🙂


Archived in: Announcements

Back into Lock-down

We have some very dear family and friends who live in Sydney and surrounding suburbs and we know there are thousands more residents who do the right thing. BUT, thanks to the inconsiderate Covid positive people in Sydney who defied N.S.W. Health orders they put their neighbours, nursing home residents and schools at risk.

Sydney has had council areas under lock-down that came into force while I was at my dad’s bedside vigil which extended into other council areas and suburbs. (see Covid Lock-downs Because of these inconsiderate people leaving their restricted zones, taking their positive test results and selfish attitudes to regional and outback N.S.W., just to avoid their “stay at home” orders, has left residents in vulnerable places with the Covid-19 and the Covid-Delta strains.

I honestly believe that anyone, of any age, should not only be fined but arrested for man-slaughter for all those they infected and subsequently died of the virus; just like arsonists who consequently kill someone. It breaks my heart to think of those close to us, and of those we have never met, will be affected by these senseless acts.

My love and prayers go out to those innocent residents of N.S.W. and the whole of Australia, that they will be kept under the shadow of the Almighty.

To my followers and friends all round the world, you are not forgotten in these prayers.

Let me finish with the words of Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV)

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Be safe everyone and don’t give up. God bless you all.

Love, Chrissy.

Archived in: Announcements

Lockdown Update

My dad passed away just after 2am yesterday, Saturday July 10th. The on duty RN was able to alert me in time for me to sit with him until he was gone. I didn’t have any sleep before or after, so I was exhausted by the time the undertakers left a 9.30am. With this horrid lockdown there will be just three plus the celebrant at the graveside funeral. Norm, myself and our son Ken, who lives within the lockdown boundaries, and where we’ll stay until we head home – outside the lockdown area. If the lockdown is just for another two weeks we’ll remain in the Sydney lockdown. If it’s for a longer period as they have predicted we’ll head home under the Covid rules at that time, including a self isolation in our own home and Covid tests. It’s difficult to plan anything beyond a day or two at a time with restrictions changing at short notice.

The last photo we took before Dad was bedridden a few weeks ago.

With most of my photos on my desktop at home, I won’t be able to add more until we return home..

Archived in: Announcements

Lock down

While visiting my dad yesterday, (a Saturday here) the Premier of NSW announced a total lockdown for two weeks beginning 6pm. I decided I wouldn’t risk leaving the nursing home to return to our son’s home for my clothes, medications and, of course, my laptop in case I was turned away after the 80 minute round trip. And, I was right. But, God was good and within half an hour, and before Norm arrived at our son’s home, the nursing home manager phoned me. With Dad the way he is, and us not at all local, I was allocated a room near Dad’s for the length of the lockdown if needed. Norm was not given the same but he’s been honoured the role of delivery boy so he can regularly drop off gluten free foods and necessities. I probably could get a few meals here but they don’t have anything for my allergy diet. With our second Covid vax due this coming week, we’ll have to have it locally. However, I need some approval from the NSW Health to allow me to return to the nursing home after the vaccination as no visitors are allowed in except for special cases approved in special circumstances.

Now, I guarantee that you will only hear the media report all the bad stuff about the Covid restrictions but I for one so much appreciated the management and staff of this nursing home.

Be safe everyone.

Heads Up

Norm and I will be at my dad’s bedside for a few days by the time most of my loyal followers read this post. We came home late Sunday to prepare for our next trip down there but it’s been a much more hastier return than expected. It’s about a five hour road trip with a couple of comfort breaks. We’ll be staying somewhere within easy travel for long day visits and/or overnighters before the inevitable.

This photo was taken on the weekend. I’m not sure who was the happiest to see who. I know Dad was thrilled to see these two of his nine great grandchildren and almost cried.

I’ll have my laptop with me and I look forward to reading your new posts as time allows but I have just pre-schedule my posts until some normality returns.

Archived in: Announcements

Death of Publisher

Thank you to the followers that notified me that the three links to my book ordering pages aren’t  working. I checked yesterday and today and finally sent emails to my contact only to receive a message back that Skoobebooks is no longer trading due to the sad death of Keith Plunkett, the man who has been my biggest supporter since 2012.

I sent emails to two separate email addresses and only received the one reply. Keith assured me numerous times over the years that all records were saved appropriately if a situation arose and I would be contacted.

Not knowing when Keith died, all I can do is wait. I apologise for any inconvenience. I will keep looking for details of another contact I had when Keith had time off.


With one finger out of action…

It’s hard to type with my right pointer finger wrapped up.

On the Friday before Christmas the wind slammed the car door shut on the tip of my finger bursting it open at the base of the nail. It’s no longer painful but I need to keep the top half of the finger well padded to allow the nail to come off on it’s own. It’s going to be a slow process but with the side not lifted embedded in the flesh under that side of the nail, all that can be done is to wait. Typing has also become a very slow process.


We’re packing up and leaving town!

Yes, we have sold up and heading to a better climate. The next few weeks will be hectic so I will only be online as time allows. I have scheduled some new posts and some archived posts for you to enjoy during that time. I will of cause try to respond to comments when I can. Your websites and blogs will be my only reading when I have the pleasure of down time but I may not have time to leave you more than a “like”.  I will leave a new post when we’re settled enough to return to a more normal routine. Thanks to everyone ahead of time for supporting me on Riverside Peace.