
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him – Psalm 37:7

When an answer to prayer is not quick in coming we often find ourselves focusing on the prayer itself and on the answer we desire to that prayer. While we know it’s good to be positive, and we know God will answer in His time, we need to wait on Him, the one who meets all our needs—and He’s never late.

It’s while we wait that we need to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, study His Word, and find instruction, comfort, and encouragement. We need to trust Him and know that He can and will do what He considers best for His children.

There’s one thing I have learned through waiting; it gives me the opportunity to give God the glory for an unwavering assurance that He has all things under control. Everything is in His hands and there is a time for everything.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: to everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Verse 11 – He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also, he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Wait in hope, perseverance, patience, and joy because His grace is sufficient for me.

Father, help us to be patient with answers to prayer. Keep our eyes fixed on You knowing all things will come to pass in Your perfect timing. Amen

© Chrissy Siggee 2019

Scripture Verses used are from the King James Version of the Bible

Archived in: 🦋 Christian Reads

16 thoughts on “Wait!

  1. Amen! He is so good and orchestrates perfect timing. He does things that are for our own good, even if we don’t think so. And sometimes when we have a waiting period, it can be a test of how strong our faith is.

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